A Space 18th SDG for the Future – a Side Event at U.N. Summit Of The Future (SOTF)

A Space 18th SDG for the Future

a Side Event at U.N. Summit Of The Future (SOTF)

September 20 2024, 15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST, 11:00am US EST)

panelists | registration | press releases

Following the 19 September “A Space 18th SDG for the Future”, the Space 18th SDG Coalition (grouping +100 organizations so far) will hold a Side Event, in the frame of the U.N. “Summit Of The Future”, taking place from 20 to 24 of September.
The Side Event will be on the 20 September, at 11:00 am, on the premises kindly offered by the Consulate General of Jamaica, 300 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, United States.
During the Mixer Event Press Conference, Adriano V. Autino (Space Renaissance International) and other representatives of the Space 18th SDG Coalition, will present the recommendations from the preceding day-long Workshop, on the following themes: 1. Critical Review of the Space 2030 Agenda, 2. Space for Peace, 3. Space for Sustainable Economic and Social Growth, 4. Space for Young Generations, 5. Space for Earth’s Environment and Sustainable Development.
This event will also prepare the path to October 10, 2024, at 9:00 am when, during another Space 18th SDG for the Future event, the final recommendation report will be released through a virtual/remote webinar.

Hereafter the “A Space 18th SDG for the Future” next episodes:

  1. 19 September 2024, U.N. Plaza 777, NYC, “A Space 18th SDG for the Future” Hybrid Workshop 9 am – 6:30 pm (hybrid)
  2. 20 September 2024, Consulate General of Jamaica, 300 E 42nd St, New York, “A Space 18th SDG for the Future” SOTF Side Event (hybrid)
  3. 10 October 2024, in the frame of the World Space Week, “A Space 18th SDG for the Future” (virtual)
  4. 14 – 18 October 2024, International Astronautical Federation Congress 75, Milano (Italy), “A Space 18th SDG for the Future” (hybrid)

Follow the live stream on the Space Renaissance YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/NJr0-17n2Bk 

Click ‘going’ to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1191484772082214

Join the Space 18th SDG Coalition!