
Welcome to the Space 18th SDG proposal!

“Only by expanding the domain of life into space can we fulfill the 17 SDGs on Earth in the long term. Therefore, the Space Renaissance International and the National Space Society, in partnership with many other space organizations, urge UN COPUOS State Parties to develop and introduce a resolution for a Space 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), calling for the expansion of community life into space to achieve universal and sustainable development for the whole humanity, life, and the life support environment, on Earth and beyond.”

The relevant info and how to join the Coalition

SRI at COPUOS Scientific & Technical SubCommittee 3-14 February 2025:

The Space 18th SDG at the International Astronautical Congress in Milano, 14-18 October 2024

         Sponsor the Space 18th SDG mission at IAC 75



Also see the Gallery, for all the Space 18th SDG videos


See the Co-promoters Coalition               Join the Co-promoters Coalition

Watch Karlton Johnson presenting the 18th SDG at UN COPUOS 66th Session, in Vienna, the 5 of June 2023

Watch the full recorded video of the September 15 2023 workshop at United Nations Plaza 777, NYC